Plastic cutting boards do not absorb moisture, are not damp, and are easy to use.

6. Plastic cutting boards do not absorb moisture, are not damp, and are easy to use. The cracks left by the kitchen knife are easy to accumulate dirt and dirt, and it is difficult to remove them with detergent. Instead, apply bleach to a sponge, squeeze it clean, and then rinse it with water.
7. To make the wooden floor white, you can first wash it with a low concentration bleach solution (1 liter of water and 8 tablespoons of bleach), and then rinse it with diluted ammonia (1 liter of water and 1 coffee spoon of ammonia).
8. Don't hesitate to wash the red medicine stains on dark colored clothes with a lower concentration of bleach solution.
9. If the gilded picture frame is dirty, you can mix it with egg yolk and bleach, then use this liquid to wipe the stains, rinse with water, and finally wipe dry to eliminate the stains.
10. Applying a lower concentration of bleach solution to the silver ware quickly revealed that black spots appeared on the surface, especially at the convex and concave areas. At this point, the silver ware was polished and polished as usual.
11. Tiles with yellow spots must be washed with bleach, which can immediately remove dirt and is very effective.